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Sourdough Pancakes

Sourdough Pancakes

Lately I’ve been experimenting with sourdough. I had fun with it for a while, making all sorts of different things and busily researching new ideas to try when I had more time. I have yet to try the sourdough cracker recipe I found, but I 

Green Chile Casserole

Green Chile Casserole

Over the past few years, I’ve backed off a bit on the pressure I place on myself to cook the most optimally healthy food I can. The operative word is is ‘can’. What I ‘can’ do now as a full-time working wife and mom with 

‘Crazy’ Chocolate Cake

‘Crazy’ Chocolate Cake

This was the very first cake I made on my own when I was a kid. Since then I’ve baked a lot of chocolate cakes – most of them fancier and more complicated (especially after watching an episode of Bake Off ). They haven’t really been 



We’ve been on a bit of a crepe-fest around here. I’m not sure what prompted it, but possibly it was just that I found a recipe that was simple and never failed. It’s so good in fact, that the teenager in the house used the