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Lavender Biscotti

Lavender Biscotti

Lavender is one of my favorite flowers. We have a row of lavender along the walkway to our house where the plants will catch plenty of afternoon sunshine and a few individual plants scattered in other sunny spots. We grow two varieties of English Lavender, 

Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Pudding

One of the first things I was tasked with ‘cooking’ was chocolate pudding from a box. I don’t know how old I was – I just remember feeling really put out at how much stirring was involved. Eventually I graduated to making pudding from scratch 

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Homemade Vanilla Extract

During one long ago shopping trip, I found a ‘kit’ for making vanilla. I was used to making all kinds of things myself, but until then vanilla was not something I had considered. Intrigued, I bought said ‘kit’ – which was just a stoppered bottle 

Hot Cocoa Mix

Hot Cocoa Mix

Today is the solstice: the first official day of winter and the shortest day of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Oddly enough, we’re expecting temperatures in the low 60s, but we’ve had the occasional snow storms already, and it won’t