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Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate Truffles

I’ve got the day off today, and like most people, I’ve got a long ‘to-do’ list. As usual, many of them have to do with spending time in the kitchen. One of these is especially pleasant, though – making chocolate truffles. (I know..more chocolate) For 

Chocolate Fondue

Chocolate Fondue

Somewhere along the line, we picked up a cute little fondue set. The following Valentine’s Day, we first experimented with chocolate fondue – thus beginning  what became a yearly tradition in our family. Before the fondue set came into our home, we used to enjoy 

Snow Cream

Snow Cream

Like most of the country, we’ve had interesting weather lately. While some places were getting massive amounts of snow, we had serious cold. Eventually we got some snow, too. About six inches of fluffy whiteness – perfect for making Snow Cream. Growing up in a 

“Christmas ‘Kraut”

“Christmas ‘Kraut”

Other than the the colors and the timing, there’s really nothing Christmas-y about the sauerkraut I make this time every year. The colors merge and it’s ready more like Thanksgiving time – but “Thanksgiving ‘Kraut” just doesn’t have the same ring. I’ve been making this