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Poppy Seed Bread

Poppy Seed Bread

The other day I was organizing my pantry and I came across a bottle of poppy seeds. I realized I hadn’t made poppy seed bread in ages. So of course, what else was there to do but bake some bread? My recipe is an old 

Crabapple Jelly

Crabapple Jelly

I’ve posted before about the strawberry freezer jam I started making last year, but before now, I’ve never made any other jam or jelly and have never tried processing it. This year I decided to branch out – or, as at least a few of 

Lavender Everywhere

Lavender Everywhere

I’m not a fan of artificial scents, anymore than I’m a fan of artificial food. To me they don’t smell nice at all. When I’m in a room with air fresheners plugged in,  I can’t wait to leave. I avoid the laundry aisle at the 

Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Since we moved into our house a few years ago, we’ve tried to grow as many of our own vegetables as possible. We still have a lawn, but we’ve re-purposed most of our borders from growing flowers to producing fruit and vegetables. Why, we asked